
welcomed here has licenced the app, welcomed. as a way to help individuals provide feedback to organizations through ratings and reviews. welcomed. is currently in beta-testing. The initial app has been developed by Inclusive Solutions, a team of students from NAU from the School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems. 

What the app will do? 

welcomed. is a crowdsourcing review app for identifying safe and welcoming spaces using customized profile settings. Individuals will be able to create profiles by selecting specific characteristics that help them feel safe and welcomed. The criteria areas include, but are not limited to, physical accessibility, bathroom needs, employee interactions, sensory aspects, communication, etc. 

Then as people are looking for places, they can filter based on their pre-set review list. And then they can use the same list to review a place once there. At any point, the individual can look up other information outside their specific list. Because we know we surround ourselves with people who have their own unique needs.

From the beginning, the idea of an app was rooted in letting people have a choice in what is most important to them. Therefore, the development of the app was informed by a group of individuals with and without disabilities for all people.

If you have the skills to help us with design and data management, please contact us.

welcomed. logo

Product Demo (no sound)